Copyright © 2009 Tim Bruce. All rights reserved

Tim Bruce
actor | singer | writer
actor | singer | writer | voice-over | cartoons | audiobooks | audio description | roleplay | opera | music theatre | Indian music

Audible Approved Narrator/Producer

Some recent theatre reviews
'Although this is through and through an ensemble piece, one must mention Tim Bruce as Blake - convincingly ageing as the story progresses, and conveying the frustration of the artist misunderstood by his contemporaries.'
'The most effective comic performance of the role I can remember.'
'An outstanding principal boy.'
William Blake's Divine Humanity
New Players Theatre.
Review by Colin George (former AD Sheffield Crucible theatre).
Don Giovanni
Music Theatre London, Drill Hall theatre.
Review by Michael Darvell, What's On.
Dick Whittington
Bridlington Spa Theatre.
Review, The Stage.

'There are many reason to go see Eternity in an Hour, but perhaps the most compelling is the stunning performance of UK actor Tim Bruce.'
Eternity in an Hour
New York International Fringe Festival 2010
Review by Joanna Bowzer, New York Theatre Review